Inspired by:

Inspired by:
Modern Library Storage Bin (Able + Baker)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Gingerbread House

Oh, my goodness

Our neighbors gave me this gift ... something for me to put together with the grandboys. Sounds like fun, and it was? Luke (3) did the tree and kind of helped put the house structure together, until he pressed too hard and the back of the house broke in half. Then he lost interest and just wanted to play. Richard (6) just wanted to eat the candy, and when I said "No, because I'm not sure the candy is real", well, he went off to play. The oldest grandson, David, is wiser than his 9 years, and he never came within 20 feet of the project.

Suffice it to say:
  1. Don't expect me to regift this.
  2. Don't let the picture on the box intimidate you.
  3. Do use whatever strength you have to get the frosting out of the packet.
  4. Do use your creativity because it's not going to look like the picture on the box.
  5. Expect it to take you longer than you imagined.
  6. Enjoy the masterpiece. It is going to be the centerpiece on the kid's table at Christmas!